Dune Buggy Open Desert for 60 minutes private

Foarte recomandat
De la$350
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Detalii despre tur

Welcome to the Dune Buggy Open Desert for 60 minutes private. Experience the thrill of dune bashing in a private dune buggy on this tour of the open desert. You’ll get to race across the sand dunes, get a bird’s-eye view of the desert landscape, and enjoy the adrenaline rush of a lifetime.

What to expect: Dune Buggy Open Desert for 60 minutes private

Your dune buggy tour will begin with a pickup from your hotel in Dubai. You’ll then be transferred to a private dune buggy area, where you’ll be given a safety briefing and fitted with your safety gear.

Once you’re all set, you’ll be able to race across the sand dunes in your private dune buggy. You can go as fast or as slow as you want, and you can even do some donuts in the sand.

After 60 minutes of dune bashing, you’ll be transferred back to your hotel.

Why you should book: Dune Buggy Open Desert for 60 minutes private

This is a great way to experience the thrill of dune bashing in the desert.
You’ll get to race across the sand dunes and get a bird’s-eye view of the desert landscape.
It’s a great way to bond with friends or family.
It’s a fun and active way to spend an afternoon.
Book your Dune Buggy Tour Open Desert for 60 minutes (private) today and experience the thrill of the desert!

Additional information: Dune Buggy Open Desert for 60 minutes private

Dune Buggy Open Desert for 60 minutes private

This tour is suitable for all ages and abilities.
We recommend wearing comfortable clothing and shoes that you don’t mind getting dirty.
You may also want to bring a scarf or hat to protect yourself from the sun.
We will provide you with a bottle of water, but you may want to bring your own snacks.
Please inform us of any dietary restrictions or allergies.
We hope you enjoy your dune buggy tour


  • Pick-up și drop off de la hotel cu un vehicul 4x4
  • Oprire foto în interiorul dunelor de nisip roșu
  • Băuturi răcoritoare și apă îmbuteliată nelimitate
  • Timp de preluare flexibil de la 8am-5pm

Nu include

  • Orice cheltuieli private


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